Enhanced negotiation capability in the public sector improves our wellbeing, saves lives and protects our planet.

Public service is a force for good...
The public sector is indispensable in tackling the world’s biggest challenges.
...but with predominantly 'accidental' negotiators...
Too often, highly competent civil servants are parachuted into complex and contentious talks without adequate preparation on strategy and tactics.
...there is vast untapped potential for improving and creating agreements for the greater good.
Lack of awareness and untapped negotiation talent in government impedes collaboration and hinders maximum value creation, especially across public-private sector and international boundaries.
That can be changed.
Every public sector organisation can turn negotiation into a strategic core competency, removing organisational obstacles that impede individuals and groups from reaching better and more sustainable agreements.
Negotiation & Public Service was founded by Stefan Szepesi in 2019 (read his founding blog here). In 2021, the company became a part of WesselinkVanZijst B.V., a Dutch company specialized in Strategic Stakeholder Engagement (SSE) and negotiation based on the Mutual Gains Approach (also called Harvard principled negotiation). Negotiation & Public Service specializes in consulting and training diplomats, public sector and non-profit professionals, civil society leaders and students of public policy and international relations. Our network of inspiring and experienced trainers and practitioners continues to grow worldwide.