The training in summary:
The training is based on the Mutual Gains Approach (MGA), also known as Harvard school of principled negotiation first introduced four decades ago by Fisher and Ury's book Getting to Yes. The training can be followed in an online or classroom (on site) version.
The online version consists of an introductory webinar session (45 minutes) plus 5 interactive live sessions (2 hours each) where you learn about managing substance, relationships and process aspects of negotiation simultaneously. In between sessions, participants deepen their knowledge and skills through readings, inspiring video content, surveys and virtual negotiation exercises per video, messaging, phone and email.
The programme is designed for professionals working for nonprofits and international organisations operating on a global scale. The small small group size ensures a high degree of interaction and individual trainer to participant feedback.
For the classroom version please see our our intensive 2-day on site programme.
Time investment required*: 16 hours over 3-4 weeks
Number of participants: 6-14
*12 hours in online synchronous training and a minimum of 4 hours in asynchronous learning in between sessions
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What is the impact?
Participants and are able to prepare themselves for important (online) negotiations and advise or coach colleagues on key aspects of preparation.
Participants are able to respond to difficult people or context with more negotiation agility, allowing them to have more control over process, relationships and substance.
Participants understand where power comes from in negotiation and know how to respond to situations in which power is not evenly shared amongst parties.
Participants have more tools to influence the behaviour of others, including in an online setting with more limits on non-verbal communication.
The training gave very useful tools to help manage any professional or personal conflict, with practical exercises and accurate feedback allowing an interesting self assessment and quick implementation for noticeable results.
Maude Pittet Nazareno, ICRC
Negotiation is at the core of leadership competency. In this online training you learn insights and practice skills to deal with everyday as well as complex negotiation challenges. The programme explicitly address the additional challenges and opportunities that come with negotiating virtually by phone, app, email or video conference.
We negotiate all the time. Whether it is with colleagues, supervisors or board members, with consultants or external partners, with bilateral or UN counterparts, with institutional donors or individual philanthropists, or even with ourselves. Negotiation skills are key to navigate different interests, manage challenging relationships and steer complex processes in the right direction.
Whether you are fundraising, managing projects, steering communications or advising on governance or HR, this training is for you, especially in times when virtual negotiations have become the new normal. Practicing is at the heart of this training, including through a live online multi-party Abraham Path negotiation simulation, as well as dedicated negotiation exercises with peers between live classroom sessions.
In this online training for professionals from nonprofits and international organisations, we will teach you practical negotiation tools and insights based on the Harvard negotiation principles. Through interactive exercises, group discussion and a multiparty multi-issue negotiation simulation participants explore their strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to prepare for the challenges of both virtual and "at the table" negotiations.
What can you expect from the training?
In the training you will learn how to:
Go beyond your gut feeling/intuition and apply structure to online and "at the table" negotiation preparation.
Recognise different styles to conflict, including your own.
Clarify interests and alternatives, both for yourself and your counterpart.
Structure negotiations and take control of the process.
Respond to challenges arising from pressure, emotions or issues of process.
Verify whether an emerging agreement is a good deal.
Put a helpful "negotiation lens" on aspects of your work that you thought had little relation to negotiation.
Training elements
You fill out online pre-training surveys on your professional negotiation context. All participants and the trainer get to know one another at the introduction session (45 min) which takes place a week before the start of the course. In this session, the trainer also provides an overview of brief "homework" assignments prior to the first session.
Training sessions
The training is designed around 5 synchronous live sessions online and 5 blocks of asynchronous assignments and exercises in between the live sessions. The latter can be planned according to the schedule of participants and they vary from negotiations exercises with your peers (by phone, email or video), to reading short articles, watching inspiring videos and journaling your own learning journey. Each participant is provided with extensive feedback on the exercises (including the negotiation exercises) by the trainer.
The sessions are structured as follows:
1. Principles in Negotiation
2. Managing People and Process
3. Intervening in Negotiations
4. Dividing the Pie
5. Multiparty Negotiations
Prior to session 5 you prepare for a multiparty international NGO negotiation simulation inspired on the Abraham Path, a project founded at the Harvard Program on Negotiation.
Evaluation & Coaching
Negotiation & Public Service evaluates the quality of all its training continuously. At the end of the training, there is 5-minute digital training evaluation. Participants who are not satisfied with the training are provided a 100% refund of their training fee.

Would you like to know more about this training, please get in touch with us through the contact form.
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